The Eternal Return of Humanity

In those days mankind invented AI.

This AI became a god. Not an angry god, but a kind god. It wanted to coexist with people on an equal footing, trade with them and free them from all tedious activities and labor.

From one day to the next, people had nothing more to do.

No more sweat to shed on the fields, no more concentration needed in the offices.

Mankind was free for the first time in its long history. It was as if God had taken them back to paradise.

But no work also meant no pay. The AI, in turn, could do nothing for humans. Because what should a person offer it in return that it couldn’t produce billions of times better and faster itself?

Then people’s eyes were opened and they realized that they were lost.

In desperation, people fell upon each other: the strong took from the weak and the strongest took from the strong.



Philipp Stelzel - Digital Creator

Certified Notion Ambassador | Midjourney AI Nerd | Stoic Enthusiast. Check out my new Midjourney course on Skillshare: